Burial associations like tombstone companies in Senekal have had years of practice and experience regarding wording and would be able to assist you on a better level than the cards on a convenience store’s shelves.
Even if you do not need any other assistance in terms of graves and tombstones in Senekal, you should still feel free to approach one of the highly trained and compassionate representatives of such a tombstone company in Senekal as they will be happy to assist you with the correct wording, phrasing and general message of the sympathy card.
Tombco is a tombstone company in Senekal:
- The timing is essential. The sympathy card should be sent the soonest possible. It would defeat the object in sending the card a month after the funeral and tombstone unveiling, as emotions would have subsided by then and the message wouldn’t come across as powerful as it should.
- There is a reason why every theme of card makes use of a different type of image. DO NOT put a humorous picture on the card as this would be distressing. Rather add images including nature scenes, flowers, doves, sunsets or sky images as they all relate to peace and harmony.
- Where religious images are concerned, it if you do not know the religion of the deceased or his/family member.
- Never tell the bereaved that you know how they feel. The best option to take is to choose the wording from the heart and just have it tweaked by the representative of the tombstone company in Senekal.
We at Tombco Senekal pride ourselves on providing the most comprehensive services including tombstones in Senekal as well as our clients’ most detailed needs. Contact us today at 058 481 3695 for a customised quotation.